OPEN: Monday-Thursday: 07:00 AM - 03:00 PM*
Friday: 07:00 AM - 11:00 AM |
Saturday: 07:30 AM - 12:00 PM*

Occupational Health Screening
​Occupational Health Screening includes blood tests and physical or fitness assessments related to the employee's occupation. This screening may be necessary for employees working in the areas of transportation, food, chemicals and others.

In Ramadan
Monday - Thursday
All Categories
From 7:00 AM To 3:00 PM
ALL Categories
From 7:00 am Till 11:00am

Application form for medical
​pre-employment health screening is an exam usually performed by a health care professional to determine if an employee is medically fit for the job and the specific duties required. The pre-employment exam may include a routine history and physical, drug screening and/or complete lab work. Employees may also be required to perform physical ability tests to measure their ability to perform a particular task. The purpose is to determine where the employee can be placed to function at his or her best without risk of injury. Blood test results and other clinical information can also be used to establish a baseline at the start of employment. This information can be used to evaluate changes in health status that may occur later on.

Visa Medical In Dubai
Our primary service area is offering efficient medical screening in Dubai to obtain a Residence Visa as soon as possible.
The candidate must register his or her name to undergo medical screening.
We are accepting only walk-in registration. The applicant must be Following that, a physical examination, a blood test, and a chest X-ray are all performed.
We've done our best to make the formalities as easy as possible for the applicants.
Please get in contact with our team if you have any questions about medical form typing in Dubai.